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Starting in Fall

We are excited to welcome you and look forward to helping you achieve your goals, starting right now! You’ll find a lot of good information right here on this website. Check the expectations below to keep yourself on track.

What to Expect

You will self-register for your Fall 2024 classes before you come to New Student Orientation (NSO). Learn more about First Year Student Registration Information.

  • Complete the Exploratory Studies Self-Registration Training in Moodle and take placement tests by June 1.
  • Advising holds will be lifted automatically at 8:00am on your enrollment date, and placed back at 11:59pm that evening. Holds will then be re-lifted at 8:00am on June 10th for the remainder of the summer.
  • Register for New Student Orientation (NSO).
  • Send any additional AP, IB test results and transcripts to: NC State Admissions, Campus Box 7103, NC State, Raleigh, NC 27695-7103.
  • Refer all questions about roommates and Exploratory Studies Village to University Housing.
  • Refer all questions about parking to University Transportation.
  • Refer all questions about immunizations, health insurance, and prescription issues to Campus Health.
  • Review information about our linked courses.
  • Register for classes for the Fall semester beginning in early June.
  • Update your advisor with any new scores or AP or IB credits you have earned as well as any additional college coursework you have completed.
  • Work with your advisor to discuss your placement scores, majors of interest, and review your fall schedule.
  • Contact your advisor if you have any questions about your Fall schedule.
  • Check your NC State email often.
  • Can I register for courses prior to attending orientation?

    Yes. Complete the Exploratory Studies Self-Registration Training by June 1 and register for classes beginning in early June.

  • What should I do prior to attending orientation?

    Complete the Exploratory Studies Self-Registration training in Moodle, take the placement exams, check out New Student Program’s New Student Checklist.

  • Should I still take the NC State math placement test if I took the AP calculus exam?

    Yes. If the AP score is not received by orientation the NC State ALEKS math placement score can be used as a math placement. If the AP score is higher than the math placement when you get it, you will be allowed to make adjustments to select a different math course.

  • I have earned college credit from AP/IB tests and/or courses taken at another institution. How does this appear at NC State?

    To be sure your coursework appears on your NC State transcript, we require that you request official AP/IB scores and college transcripts be sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. To understand what AP/IB scores will earn credit at NC State, as well as how courses taken at another institution will earn credit, check out this resource.

  • What if I have AP or IB scores but they are not back by New Student Orientation?

    No worries. Indicate this in the PreNSO Survey and tell your advisor which AP and IB tests you have taken when you meet during the NSO advising session. Your advisor will consider that information and advise you accordingly.

  • When will I find out who my advisor is?

    Advisors are assigned in the beginning of June and this information can be found in your MyPack portal.